HAVEN is pleased to announce our annual In Their Shoes event to be held on Saturday, April 5, 2025 in the heart of downtown Modesto. We hope you will join us by becoming a sponsor as we celebrate over 45 years of service to domestic abuse, sexual abuse and human trafficking survivors in Stanislaus County. We offer you the opportunity to learn more about our mission, help us to raise funds to support our work and have some fun in the process.
All sponsors will receive recognition on event banner
Full Sponsorship - $5,000 all benefits received plus annual donor recognition benefits
Pick 4 - $2,500
Choose (4) four options from above benefits
Pick 3 - $1,000
Choose (3) three options from above benefits
Kathleen Rowe-Glendon
Donor Engagement Specialist
(209) 284-4732
HAVEN, a private, non-profit organization, serves over 2,500 individuals impacted by domestic or sexual abuse or exploitation annually. More than 300 of those served are under the age of 18. Year after year, the number of survivors coming into the agency increases. Over the last several years, Haven has expanded the services it provides beyond emergency shelter and crisis assistance to include long term housing opportunities for survivors. Haven has also opened a Youth Center, creating space for a variety of prevention programs focusing on youth and young adults. As a part of this, the Healthy and Responsible Relationship Troop (HARRT) staff and peer educators have presented to over 1,600 local youth. Unfortunately, grants and contracts provide only minimum levels of funding to address the needs of our community. We rely on you and the funds raised through events like this one to truly make a difference. Help us prevent violence, as well as help survivors heal.
Saturday, April 5, 2025
10:00 AM PDT - 12:00 PM PDT
Gallo Center for the Arts Downtown Modesto